Neighbours winch stranded cow to safety from narrow ditch in Indonesia


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Aug 20, 2023

Neighbours winch stranded cow to safety from narrow ditch in Indonesia

Neighbours winched a stranded cow to safety from a narrow ditch in Indonesia. The residents were trying to take the creature to the hill to slaughter when it escaped during a religious ceremony in

Neighbours winched a stranded cow to safety from a narrow ditch in Indonesia. The residents were trying to take the creature to the hill to slaughter when it escaped during a religious ceremony in West Java province on June 29. It broke free of the rope while its handler was taking it to the event before it plunged into a deep, narrow hole. Footage shows dozens of men helping each other pull the rope to save the cow that they previously tried to slaughter. Local Melani Nur Fauziah said: ‘The cow was about to be sacrificed that day with other animals. That one seemed to know something was about to happen and didn't follow his owner.' The residents made a makeshift pulley to carry the animal out of the hole easier. Melani added: ‘It was a long day. The ceremony was delayed because of it.' The cow was taken out of the hole and returned to its owner. It was also spared from the ceremony because of its wounds. Melani added: ‘The cow was weak and in pain, so it was not sacrificed. It has to be healthy ones.'

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